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  ROI_3D_MAX_XY_SIZE - compute the maximum X/Y size of a 3-d ROI


  Given a structure of regions-of-interest such as that returned by
  BWCONNCOMP, with fields 'ImageSize' and 'PixelIdxList', this function
  examines all Z planes and computes the area (in pixels) of each
  ROI in X and Y (dimensions 1 and 2). The maximum such value is returned
  in MAX_XY_SIZE(i), for each ROI in CC (i goes from 1 .. numel(CC.PixelIdxList)).

  This function also takes NAME/VALUE pairs that modify the behavior:
  Parameter (default)           | Description
  UseProgressBar (1)            | Should we use a progress bar? (0/1)

      % make a simple image
      A = zeros(3,11);
      A(1,:) = 1;
      A(2,1) = 1; 
      A(:,:,2) = 0*A(:,:,1);
      A(1,1,2) = 1;
      A, % view A
      CC = bwconncomp(A);
      max_xy_size = ROI_3d_max_xy_size(CC)