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  ROI_ISOLATE - Return the index values within an ROI of of an isolated cube that encompasses ROI


  Given an ROI in an image of size IMSIZE with indexes INDEXESND, return the index values in
  an isolated N-D cube that correspond to index values in the original image.

    IMSIZE should be the size of the image [SZ1 SZ2 ... SZN]
    INDEXESND are the index values of the ROI in the image
    ISOLATE_INDEXES are a mapping between the minimum N-D cube that can
       contain the ROI and the ROI's indexes in the image. ORIG_IM(ISOLATE_INDEXES) = MINCUBE.
       ISOLATE_INDEXES have the shape of the minimum cube.
    ISOLATE_INDEXES_IN_ROI is a 0-1 vector the same size as ISOLATE_INDEXES. Entries are 1 if
       the voxel is contained in the ROI specified by INDEXESND

         imsize = [ 3 3 3 ];
         indexesnd = [ 14 15 17 18 23 24 26 ];
            % this is an ROI in the bottom right corner of a 3x3x3 cube except the edge point
            % to see where this is, use reshape(1:27,3,3,3)
         [isolate_indexes, isolate_indexes_in_roi] = ROI_isolate(imsize, indexesnd)