IMAGE_VIEWER_GUI - Manage the view of a multi-frame image in a Matlab GUI
Creates and manages an image viewer appropriate for multi-frame image viewing
in a Matlab GUI. Features a slider to move between frames and a zoom and pan button.
To create a viewer, call IMAGE_VIEWER_GUI(NAME,'command','init') where
NAME is a unique name on your figure (you can have more than one viewer per figure
if you use different names). You can pass additional name/value pairs that govern the
behavior of the GUI.
Commands and parameters are not case sensitive. Name IS case sensitive.
Parameter (default value) | Description
fig (gcf) | Figure number where the viewer is located
Units ('pixels') | The units we will use
LowerLeftPoint ([0 0]) | The lower left point to use in drawing, in units of "units"
UpperRightPoint ([500 500]) | The upper right point to use in drawing, in units of "units"
imagemodifierfunc ('') | A string of a function that can modify the image. It should
| return an image. It can operate on 'im', a variable with the
| unmodified image.
drawcompletionfunc ('') | A string that is evaluated upon drawing completition.
ImageVGUIAxesParams | A structure with modifications to default axes parameters
| (such as position, units, etc). The 'tag' field cannot be
| modified. All other fields of the axes can be modified.
ImageVGUIHistAxesParams | A structure with modifications to default histogram axes
parameters (same as above)
ImageVGUISliderParams | Same for frame-selection slider
ImageScaleParams | A structure with fields 'Min' and 'Max' that indicate the
| values to scale each channel of the image. By default,
| ImageScaleParams.Min = [ 0 0 0 0] and ImageScaleParams.Max = [ 255 255 255 255 ]
ImageDisplayScaleParams | A structure with fields 'Min' and 'Max' that indicate the
| values to which the image should be scaled for display.
| Right now these must be ImageDisplayScaleParams.Min = [0 0 0 0] and
| ImageDisplayScaleParams.Max = [ 255 255 255 255]
One can also query the internal variables by calling
IMAGE_VIEWER_GUI(NAME, 'command', 'Get_Vars')
Or obtain the uicontrol and axes handles by using:
IMAGE_VIEWER_GUI(NAME, 'command', 'Get_Handles')