CLUSTER_POINTS_GUI - Cluster points into groups with manual checking
Brings up a graphical user interface to allow the user to cluster
POINTS (a structure with field names and 1-D values) using several algorithms.
POINTS should be a structure with fieldnames equal to the variable names
(e.g., 'x', 'y', etc), and the value in each field name should be 1-dimensional.
Additional parameters can be adjusted by passing name/value pairs
at the end of the function:
'clusterids' : preliminary cluster ids
'ColorOrder' : Color order for cluster drawings; defaults
: to axes color order
'UnclassifiedColor' : Color of unclassified spikes, default [0.5 0.5 0.5]
'RandomSubset' : Do we plot a random subset of spikes? Default 1
'RandomSubsetSize' : How many? Default 200
'ForceQualityAssessment' : Should we force the user to choose cluster quality
: before closing? Default 1
'EnableClusterEditing' : Should we enable cluster editing? Default 1
'AskBeforeDone' : Ask user to confirm they are really done Default 1
'MarkerSize' : MarkerSize for plotting; default 10
'FigureName' : Name of the figure; default "Cluster Points".
'IsModal' : Is it a modal dialog? That is, should it stop all other
: windows until the user finishes? Default is 1.
: If the dialog is not modal then it cannot return
: any values.