STEPFUNC - Evaluate a discrete step function at many times
Returns the value of a step function that takes values
STEPS(i) between the times T(i) and T(i+1).
(STEPS(end) is assumed to be true between
T(end) and T(end)+mean(diff(T)) )
If OUTOFBOUNDS is provided, one can specify the value of
SI when ti is out of bounds. Default is NaN; example
choices might be NaN or 0.
INDS are the index values such that
SI = STEPS(INDS); INDS that are out of bounds are
STEPS can have many rows; each row will be one step
function, and the answer will have the same number of
rows as STEPS; the columns of SI will be the same number as ti.
Example 1: Evaluate a step function at a high sampling rate
S = [ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]; % steps
t = [ 0:0.1:1 ] ; % steps each 0.1 seconds
ti = [ 0:0.001:1 ];
Si = stepfunc(t,S,ti);
plot(ti,Si); % plots at high temporal resolution
Example 2: Evaluate a step function at a few locations:
S = [ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]; % steps
t = [ 0:0.1:1 ] ; % steps each 0.1 seconds
ti= [ 0 0.05 0.9 1.1];
[Si,inds] = stepfunc(t,S,ti)
Si : [0 0 9 NaN]
inds : [1 1 10 NaN]