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  VIEWPOINT3DTO2D Project a 3D point onto 2D with a given camera matrix


   Converts a list of 3D points PTS3D into their corresponding
   2D projection for the camera matrix CAMERAMATRIX.  The matrix PTS3D should be
   a list of column vectors (3xN, where N is the number of points). CAMERAMATRIX
   is a standard camera matrix (see Wikipedia for "camera matrix").

   Output: PTS2D is a list of column vectors (2xN) that correspond to the 
   2D projection.  There is an arbitrary scale factor that depends upon how
   you want to display the points; you can scale these points with a multiplicative
   factor and the relative relationships will still be preserved.

   One can also call:


   which takes the CAMERAMATRIX to be the current VIEW in the current axes.

   See also: VIEW