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  SYNAPSEEL_CLASSICSTDP - Apply classic stdp to a SYNAPSEEL synapse


    Apply stdp to a SYNAPSEEL object.

    This requires that the SYNAPSEEL object have a field 'plasticity_params' with 
    several fields:
    Gmax_max             |  The maximum value that the maximum conductance can take
                         |    (that is, a ceiling value). Use Inf for none.
    Gmax_min             |  The minimum value that the maximum conductance can take
                         |    (that is, a floor value). Use -Inf for none.
    classic_stdp         |  0/1 should we use classic stdp or triplet stdp?
    params               |  {'name1,'value1',...} parameters to pass along to 
                         |     stdp_apply or stdp_triplet_apply (optional)

    See also: SYNAPSEEL_INIT