SYNAPSET1T2EL_INIT - Initialize a new synapset1t2el object
Conductance after each presynaptic spike is modeled as
G = Gmax * (exp(-deltaT/tau1) - exp(-deltaT/tau2)), where
deltaT is the difference between now and all previous spikes
SYNAPSET1T2EL parameters are the following:
V_rev (0) | Reversal potential (volts)
Gmax (10e-9) | Maximal conductance (Siemens)
G (0) | The current conductance value (Siemens)
tau1 (0.001) | Tau1 (seconds)
tau2 (0.050) | Tau2 (seconds)
pre ([]) | Modelel number of presynaptic cell
post ([]) | Modelel number of postsynaptic cell
Tpast_ignore (1) | How long in the past to monitor spikes (seconds)
plasticity_method ('') | Plasticity method
plasticity_params ([]) | Plasticity method parameters
type | Must be 'synapset1t2el' (not editable)