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  REVERSE_CORRELATION_MV_STEPFUNC - Performs RC between a continuously valued signal and step function stimulus


    This function performs reverse correlation between a signal SIGNAL and a stimulus
    STIM to obtain the best linear filter (FIR Wiener filter) that can be used to reconstruct
    SIGNAL from the STIM. It achieves this by computing:

        REV_CORR_RAW = Rinv * XC_STIMSIGNAL, where XC_STIMSIGNAL is the correlation between
        the SIGNAL and STIM, and Rinv is the inverse of the covariance matrix R of the stimulus.
        This matrix R is computed from the autocorrelation of the stimulus XC_STIMSTIM.

    Further, this function offers the ability to return a filtered version of REV_CORR_RAW, which is often
    necessary when the stimulus STIM is not purely white.

        SIGNAL is the signal to be related to the stimulus
        SIGNAL_T is the time of each sample in SIGNAL
        STIM_OFFSETS is a list of times of SIGNAL relative to STIM over which
                   to compute the correlation.
    The stimulus is assumed to be a step function that assumes different
        values at each step.  STIMTIMES is a list of the time of each step,
        and STIM is a matrix of row vectors, where each column corresponds to 
        one stimulus variable.
        In calculating the autocorrelation of the stimulus, it is assumed that each
        column vector of the stimulus has the same statistics.
        REV_CORR is the filtered reverse correlation kernel for each time lag (rows) and
          each spatial component the kernel (columns).
          REV_CORR is filtered according to the parameters below (typically a median filter)
          in order to aid in removing the influence of a non-white stimulus.
          REV_CORR has units of units('SIGNAL') / (units('STIM') * units('dt') * units('dx'))
        REV_CORR_RAW is the unfiltered reverse correlation for each lag (rows) and
          each spatial component of the kernel (columns).
          REV_CORR_RAW has units of units('SIGNAL') / (units('STIM') * units('dt') * units('dx'))
        XC_STIMSIGNAL is the correlation between SIGNAL and the STIM. Lags are in rows and
          spatial components are in columns. XC_STIMSIGNAL has units of units('SIGNAL') * units('STIM')
        XC_STIMSTIM is the autocorrelation of the STIM for different lags. It has units of

    Note: IF you have a theoretically-determined autocorrelation function for your stimulus,
          it is highly recommended that you pass it to REVERSE_CORRELATION_MV_STEPFUNC as a
          name/value pair ('xc_stimstim', myxc). This will reduce the likelihood of an unstable/garbage

    See Dayan and Abbott (2005), Chapters 1-2, and any source on FIR Optimal Filtering / FIR Wiener Filtering

    This function also accepts extra parameter inputs in the form of PARAMETER/VALUE
    pairs that modify default behavior:
    Parameter (default)        | Description
    DoMedFilter (1)            | Perform a median filter on the output to deal with
                               |   noise due to non-white stimulus
    MedFilterWidth (3)         | Width of the median filter
    xc_stimstim ([])           | If empty, then xc_stimstim is computed empircally from
                               |   the stimulus. Otherwise, the xc_stimstim can be specified,
                               |   which might be useful if the theoretical shape of the 
                               |   stimulus autocorrelation is known. xc_stimstim(1) should be
                               |   the autocorrelation with 0 lag, xc_stimstim(2) should be the
                               |   autocorrelation with lag 1, etc.
    Rinv ([])                  | The 'whitening function', determined by inverting the 
                               |   autocorrelation function. If empty, then it is calculated
                               |   from xc_stimstim.
    normalize (1)              | Perform normalization of the kernel by dx and dt
    normalize_xc_stimsignal (0)| Perform normalization of xc_stimsignal by dx and dt
    dx (1)                     | Resolution of kernel in columns
    dt (1)                     | Resolution of kernel in time