STIM1D_MOTION -- Creates a 1-D (space) motion stimulus for model computation
Creates a discrete 1-D (in space) motion stimulus that can be fed to
a 1-d spatial model
X should be a vector indicating the spatial positions to create, in degrees
(example: 0:0.1:10 creates 100 positions in increments of 0.1 degrees)
T should be the time values to compute (stim is assumed to be constant in each bin)
(example: 0:0.01:2 simulates 2 seconds in 0.01s steps, or a 100Hz monitor)
SPFREQ is the spatial frequency of the grating (say 0.1 cycles per degree)
SPPHASE is the spatial phase of the grating (between 0 and 2*pi)
TF is the temporal frequency (in Hz)
DIR is the direction (1 is left, -1 is right, 0 for no motion)
One can imagine that the units of the returned stimulus is brightness.
Each row of the returned stimulus represents the stimulus at 1 value
of time; time is represented across the columns.
Example: stim = stim1d_motion([0:0.1:10],[0:0.01:2],0.1,0,4,1);