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   Return a response curve of responses to the presentation
   of multiple stimuli. The onset time of each stimulus should
   be in the vector STIMTIMES_ON, and the offset time of each
   stimulus should be in the vector STIMTIMES_OFF. STIM_VALUES
   should be a vector list with the value of the stimulus parameter
   for each stimulus that is indicated in STIMTIMES_ON and
   STIMTIMES_OFF. One can specify that a stimulus is "BLANK" or "CONTROL"
   by giving NaN as the STIM_VALUE for that stimulus.  
   SPIKETIMES are the spike times of a neuron in the
   same time units as STIMTIMES_ON and STIMTIMES_OFF. 

     RESPONSE_CURVE is a struture with the following fields:
        curve        |  4xN matrix, where N is the number of distinct
                     |     stimuli; the first row has the stim values
                     |     the second row has the mean responses in 
                     |     spikes per time unit of STIMTIMES_ON/OFF,
                     |     the third row has the standard deivation of
                     |     these spike rates, and the fourth row has
                     |     the standard error.
        blank        |  1x3 vector with the mean, standard deviation, and
                     |     standard error.
        inds         |  1xN cell array; each value inds{i} has the individual
                           responses for the ith repetition of stimulus i
        blankinds    |  1xM vector with individual responses to the blank stimulus
        indexes      |  2xnum_stims Indicates where the nth stim is represented in
                     |     in inds (first column is stimid, second column is entry
                     |     number in vector inds{stimid})

   Test example:
     % Step 1, use gaindriftexample.m to generate spike responses.
     %  See help gaindriftexample for a description of the spike responses it generates.
     % Step 2, use spikeresponse to calculate the actual responses
     response_curve = spikeresponse(stimon,stimoff,stimids,spiketimes);
     % see if the average spikes are equal to what we expect from gaindriftexample's help