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  SPIKETIMES_PLOT - Plot a spike train as a bunch of hash ticks


     Plot a spiketrain (with spike times SPIKETIMES) on the current
     axes as a series of hash ticks.

     One can also modify the plot using the following options passed
     as name/value pairs
     (for example, h=spiketimes_plot(spiketimes,'color',[1 0 0]) plots in

     Parameter (default)  |  Description
     color      [0 0 0]   |  Hash color ([red green blue], 0..1)
     linewidth        1   |  Line thickness
     hashheight      0.8  |  Height of the hash marks in axis Y units
     hashcenter      0.5  |  Center location of the hash marks

    Keywords: spiketrain spike train spiketimes times hash