DESCRAMBLE_PSEUDORANDOM - Descramble responses to pseduorandomly varied stimuli
Descrambles responses to pseudorandomly varied stimuli.
STIM_RESPONSES: | Responses to individual stimuli (1xN or Nx1 list)
STIMVALUES: | The stimulus value (or, could be stimulus ID)
| for each of the N presented stimuli (1xN or Nx1)
| To indicate that a stimulus is a "blank" or "control"
| provide NaN for its value.
Output: RESPONSE_CURVE is a structure with the following fields:
curve | 4xN matrix, where N is the number of distinct
| stimuli; the first row has the stim values
| the second row has the mean responses in
| spikes per time unit of STIMTIMES_ON/OFF,
| the third row has the standard deivation of
| these spike rates, and the fourth row has
| the standard error.
blank | 1x3 vector with the mean, standard deviation, and
| standard error.
inds | 1xN cell array; each value inds{i} has the individual
responses for the ith repetition of stimulus i
blankinds | 1xM vector with individual responses to the blank stimulus
indexes | 2xnum_stims Indicates where the nth stim is represented in
| in inds (first column is stimid, second column is entry
| number in vector inds{stimid})