PLOT_STIMULUS_TIMESERIES - plot the occurence of a stimulus or stimuli as a thick bar on a time series plot
[H,HTEXT] = plot_stimulus_timeseries(Y, STIMON, STIMOFF, ...)
Uses a thick horizontal bar to indicate the presentation time of a set of stimuli.
STIMON should be a vector containing all stimulus ON times.
STIMOFF should be a vector containing all stimulus OFF times.
This function takes additional arguments in the form of name/value pairs:
Parameter (default value) | Description
stimid ([]) | Stimulus ID numbers for each entry in
| STIMON/STIMOFF; if present, will be plotted
| Can also be a cell array of string names
linewidth (2) | Line size
linecolor ([0 0 0]) | Line color
FontSize (12) | Font size for text (if 'stimid' is present)
FontWeight ('normal') | Font weight
FontColor([0 0 0]) | Text default color
textycoord (Y+1) | Text y coordinate
HorizontalAlignment ('center') | Text horizontal alignment