STIMULUS_RESPONSE_SUMMARY - compute a stimulus response summary for timeseries data
RESPONSES is a structure returned from STIMULUS_RESPONSE_SCALAR that has fields
Field name: | Description
stimid | Stimulus id number for each stimulus presentation
response | Computed scalar response for each stimulus presentation
control_response | Computed scalar response to a control stimulus (could be empty)
controlstimnumber | The stimulus number that was used as the control stimulus for
| each stimulus presentation
parameters | A structure of parameters used in the computation
Computes a structure STATS with fields:
Field name: | Description:
stimid | The stimulus id of each stimulus observed
mean | The mean response of TIMESERIES across stimulus
| presentations [stimid(1) stimid(2) ...]
stddev | The standard deviation of TIMESERIES across stimulus
| presentations [stimid(1) stimid(2) ...]
stderr | The standard error of the mean of TIMESERIES
| across stimulus presentations [stimid(1) stimid(2) ...]
individual | A cell array with the individual responses to each stimulus
| individual_responses{i}(j) has the jth response to stimulus with stimid(i)
control_mean | The mean response of TIMESERIES to the control stimulus, if one is
| specified with RESPONSES.parameters.control_stimulus
control_stddev | The standard deviation of the response of TIMESERIES to the control stimulus,
| if one is specified with RESPONSES.parameters.control_stimulus
control_stderr | The standard error of the mean of the responses of TIMESERIES to the control stimulus,
| if one is specified with RESPONSES.parameters.control_stimulus
control_individual | The individual responses of TIMESERIES to the control stimulus,
| if one is specified with RESPONSES.parameters.control_stimulus
The behavior of the function can be modified by name/value pairs:
Parameter (default value) | Description:
control_normalization ([]) | Normalize the stimulus response based on the prestimulus measurement.
| [] or 0) No normalization
| 1) Subtract: Response := Response - PrestimResponse
| 2) Fractional change Response:= ((Response-PrestimResponse)/PrestimResponse)
| 3) Divide: Response:= Response ./ PreStimResponse