ROTATEDIRCURVE-rotateadirectioncurvesothatit's highest value is at a defined place NEWCURVE = ROTATEDIRCURVE(ANGLES, RESPONSES, PREF_ANGLE_ASSIGNMENT) Rotates the direction tuning curve measured at angles ANGLES and with responses RESPONSES so that the maximum response is at PREF_ANGLE_ASSIGNMENT. ANGLES are assumed to run from 0 .. 360. NEWCURVE is the shifted response curve that can be plotted with the existing ANGLES measurements. The function also has a form: NEWCURVE = ROTATEDIRCURVE(ANGLES, RESPONSES, PREF_ANGLE_ASSIGNMENT, ANCHOR_RESPONSES) That will shift the curve RESPONSES based on the responses of a different curve ANCHOR_RESPONSES. This is useful, for example, for shifting the surround tuning curve with respect to the responses of a center tuning curve, for example.