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  Observe an N-input process develop direction selectivity

  There is a single feed-forward inhibitory neuron

  One can also adjust the parameters using: 

  The following parameters are adjustable (default value in ()):
  latency (0.200)         |  Latency between 1st and 2nd columns
  lag (0.200)             |  Lag between stim hitting 1st and 2nd rows
  Gmax_max (5e-9)         |  Maximum weights
  Gmax_min (0)            |  Minimum weights
  classic_stdp (1)        |  0/1 use classic stdp
  N (1)                   |  Number of different positions
  R (1)                   |  Number of different latencies
  Gmax_initial (3e-9)     |  1xN*R matrix of initial synaptic weights
  Gmax_initial_inhib(3e-9)|  1xN*R matrix of initial synaptic weights
  synapseparams           |  synapse parameters
  synapseparams_inhib     |  synapse parameters for synapses onto inhibitory cells
    {'V_rev',-0.080}      |
  intfireparams           |  intfire parameters
  intfireparams_inhib     |  intfire parameters for inhibitory cell
  ISyn_Gmax_initial (1.5e-9)|  Intial value of inhibitory cell synapse onto excitatory cell
  ISyn_change (1.05)      |  Multilpicative Change in inhibitory synapse conductance at each iteration
  ISyn_Max (Inf)          |  Ceiling for I to E weight
  dt (0.0001)             |  time resolution
  trials (100)            |  number of trials
  plot_as_we_go (1)       |  0/1 plot to a figure as we go?
  plasticity_method_inhib('') Method for inhibitory plasticity
  unidir (1)              |  unidirectional trainin (1) or bi-directional training (2)?
  slow (0)                |  Show stimulus at half speed?
  mask (1)
  nreps (1)
  phase ([1:N])           |  Phase?