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  DIRECTIONSELECTIVITY4CELLDEMO_INHIB - Demo of a 4 input, single layer direction-selective output cell with FF inhibition



   One can modify the default parameters by passing name/value pairs to the function like this

   Default parameters are as follows:
   dt (1e-4)                      |  Step size of model
   latency (0.200)                |  Latency of between rows
   lag (0.200)                    |  Lag of stimulus arrival at different positions
   N (2)                          |  Number of different positions
   R (2)                          |  Number of different latencies
   randomness (0)                 |  Coefficient of gaussian random noise that is added to lag, latency
                                  |    Note that the random value, once chosen, is used consistently each time
                                  |    a visual stimulus is presented.
   Syn_Gmax_initial (1xN*R, 4e-9) |  Initial synaptic weight (about 75% of threshold)
   Syn_Gmax_initial_inhib (1xN*R, |  Initial synaptic weight of LGN to I connections (about 75% of threshold)
                  4e-9)           |  
   plasticity_params ([])         |  Synapse plasticity params for LGN to E ctx connections
   plasticity_method ('')         |  Synapse plasticity method for LGN to E ctx connections
   plasticity_params_inhib ([])   |  Synapse plasticity params for I to E connection
   plasticity_method_inhib ('')   |  Synapse plasticity method for I to E connection
   plasticity_params_ffinhib ([]) |  Synapse plasticity params for feedforward LGN to I connection
   plasticity_method_ffinhib ('') |  Synapse plasticity method for feedforward LGN to I connection
   isi (0.75)                     |  Inter-stimulus-interval (seconds)
   plotit (1)                     |  0/1 should we plot the behavior in a new figure?
   simit (1)                      |  0/1 Actually do simulation (1) or just build model(0)?
   simup (1)                      |  0/1 Actually simulate upward direction (1)?
   simdown (1)                    |  0/1 Actually simulate downward direction (1)?
   intfireparams                  |  {'name1','value1'} parameter list to pass to intfireleakyel_init
   intfireparams_inhib            |  {'name1','value1'} parameter list to pass to intfireleakyel_init
   synapseparams                  |  {'name1','value1'} parameter list to pass to synapset1t2el_init
   synapseparams_ffI              |  {'name1','value1'} parameter list to pass to synapset1t2el_init for feedforward connections to I cell
   synapseparams_inhib            |  {'name1','value1'} parameter list of values to pass to inhibitory synapse
                                  |    default value {'V_rev',-0.080}
   ISyn_Gmax_initial              |  5.8e-9
   slow (0)                       |  Show stimulus at half speed?
   mask (1)                       |  Mask out any input cells?

   MODELEL is the model produced by the function.  
   DI is (R_UP-R_DOWN) / (R_UP+R_DOWN), note this is -1 to 1
   R_UP is response to upward direction
   R_DOWN is response to downward direction

      % a totally non-direction-selective model

      % a direction-selective model
      [mel,di,rup,rdown]=directionselectivityNcelldemo_inhib('Syn_Gmax_initial',[0 5 5 0]*1e-9);

      % a 3 by 3 cell model
      [mod,di,r_up,r_down] = directionselectivityNcelldemo_inhib('N',3,'R',3,'isi',1);

      % a 10 position by 3 latency cell model:
      [mod,di,r_up,r_down] = directionselectivityNcelldemo_inhib('N',10,'R',3,'isi',3);