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  MODELELRUN - Run a set of model elements modelel


   Runs a model that is composed of a list of modelel. The default parameters
   of the model can be altered by calling the form:


   If a second output variable is provided, then the variables that are
   stored to disk (if Directory isn't empty) are also returned in VARS.
   The values are long doubles in a NUMBER_OF_VARIABLES by NUMBER_OF_STEPS

  MODELRUN structure elements/model parameters (defaults in parenthesis):
  RandomSeed (structure)            |  Info on Matlab version and random seed
    .version                        |     Output of the ver('Matlab') command
    .RandomSeed                     |     The random seed
  Model_Initial_Structure (modelel) |  Initial structure of the model
  Model_Final_Structure (modelel)   |  Final structure of the model
  Steps (100)                       |  Number of steps to run
  Directory ('')                    |  Directory where data is to be
                                    |   saved ('' for none)
  Comment ('')                      |  Comment on what this simulation is
  Variables ({})                    |  Variables that are saved
                                    |      These are a cell list with one variable per row.
                                    |      The variable should be specified as a subfield of
                                    |      the variable modelrunstruct. For example, to grab
                                    |      the time ('T') parameter of the first element, use
                                    |      {'modelrunstruct.Model_Initial_Structure(1).T'}.
                                    |      In the second column, one can optionally provide a 
                                    |      variable name.
                                    |      These variables are written to the file
                                    |      variables.bin, 1 long double per variable,
                                    |      one variable per time step
  Verbose (10000)                   |  Prints a comment every N steps; use Inf to disable
  UseExecutable (0)                 |  Uses an external function