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  INTFIRELEAKY_INIT - Initialize a leaky integrate and fire neuron

    INTFIRELEAKYEL = INTFIRELEAKYel_INIT('param1name',param1value,...);

    Returns a MODELEL structure (see MODELEL_INIT) for a
    leaky integrate and fire neuron. One can modify the default parameters
    of both the INTFIRE structure and the inherited parameters in
    MODELEL by passing name/value pairs as input arguments. The parameters in the
    structure are as follows:

    INTFIRE structure:
    Ie (0)                  | Any electrode current (Amps)
    V (-0.075)              | The current voltage (volts)
    V_leak (default -0.075) | Leak potential (volts) 
    Rm      (10e6)          | Input resistance (Ohms) 
    Taum    (10e-3)         | Membrane time constant (seconds)
    Area    (0.1)           | Area (mm^2; for calculating specific resistance)
    V_reset (-0.080)        | Reset potential (volts)
    V_threshold (-0.055)    | Threshold value (volts)
    synapse_list ([])       | List of modelel numbers that correspond to synapses
    spiketimes ([])         | List of spike times
    V_spike (0.010)         | Potential the neuron rises to upon spiking
    type ('intfireleakyel') | Must be the string 'intfireleakyel'

    See HELP MODELEL for the generic model element parameters.