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  INTFIRELEAKYEL_STEP - Compute a time step of an integrate and fire neuron modelel


    Given a model leaky integrate and fire neurons in INTFIRE,
    and a full list of model elements MODELSTRUCT, calculate the voltage
    at the next step.

    INTFIRE is a structure describing a leaky integrate and fire neuron:
    V_leak                  | Leak potential (volts)
    Rm                      | Input resistance (Ohms)
    Taum                    | Membrane time constant (seconds)
    Area                    | Membrane area (mm^2)
    V_reset                 | Reset potential (volts)
    V_threshold             | Threshold value (volts)
    V                       | The current voltage (volts, updated here)
    synapse_list            | List of modelel numbers in MODELSTRUCT that
                            |    correspond to synapses of this neuron
    spiketimes              | The spike times of the
                            |    intfire neuron (seconds, updated here)
    V_spike                 | The voltage the neuron produces upon spiking