AUTOHISTOGRAM-ChoosebinsbasedonFreedman-Diaconis' choice [COUNTS,BIN_CENTERS, BIN_EDGES, FULLCOUNTS] = AUTOHISTOGRAM(DATA)AutomaticallychoosesbinsizesbasedonFreedman-Diaconis' choice, defined to be WIDTH = 2*IQR(DATA)/CUBE ROOT OF NUMBER OF DATAPOINTS (see Histogram on Wikipedia) In the event that the BIN_CENTERS would exceed 100,000 points, then the bins are trimmed at the edges in 1 percentile increments until the number of bins is fewer than 100,000 points. Inputs: DATA, a set of samples Outputs: COUNTS, the number of DATA samples in each bin BIN_CENTERS - the center location of each bin BIN_EDGES - the bin edges used FULLCOUNTS - the full counts returned from HISTC. If the bins were reduced at the edges so that the number of bins is < 100000 then BIN_EDGES and FULLCOUNTS allows the user to determine the number of data points that fall below and above the bins. (See help HISTC)