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  MEDIAN_WITHIN_BETWEEN_PLOT - Plot an index for many experiments, different conditions


   Plots index values from individual experiments that are grouped into different
   experimental conditions.  For each condition, indexes from individual animals
   are plotted in columns. A bigger space is left between animals that are in 
   different experimental groups.  Median values for each animal and each
   group are highlighted with a horizontal bar.

   Inputs:  There are 2 ways of specifying the data.
     Method 1: DATA should be a cell array of index values for different conditions.
       If there N conditions, then DATA should have N entries.  Each entry DATA{n} should
       have the index values from a single experimental condition.  EXPERIMENT_INDEXES{n} 
       indicates the experiment number that produced each data point in DATA{n}.

     Method 2: DATA is an array of values. EXPERIMENT_INDEXES is an Mx2 matrix; the first
       column of EXPERIMENT_INDEXES should be the experiment index number, and the second
       column of EXPERIMENT_INDEXES should be the condition number.

   LABELS{n} should be the label for the conditions.

      H is a set of handles to the plots.
      DATAPOINTS is a structure with the following fields:
         experiment: the experiment that corresponds to the point
         condition:  the condition of the point
         index:      the index of the point within the condition
         x:          the x position on the plot
         y:          the y position on the plot (might be transformed from the raw data)