DATA2INTERVALS - Identify data recorded during specified intervals
This identifies data observations that were recorded in specified time
intervals. The input observations DATA are expected to be a cell list
of M vectors; each vector is assumed to reflect a different element such
as a neuron. T is also a cell list of M vectors, and each value in T should
reflect the time of an observation in DATA.
INTERVALS should be a Nx2 matrix of time intervals, such as
INTERVALS = [ t11 t12; t21 t22; t31 t32 ; ...];
DATA_OUT is a cell list of size N x M. Each element DATA_OUT{i,p}
contains all observations in DATA{p} that occured during the
interval [interval(i,1) ... interval(i,2)].
T_OUT is a cell list of size N x M. Each element T{i,p} contains the
time of all observation in DATA_OUT{i,p}.