DOTDISC - Dot discriminator, an advanced window discriminator
Detect events with "dots", a form of advanced window
DATA the data to be examined.
DOTS - An N x 3 matrix with the "dots" to be used for the
discrimination. The first row is [ THRESH SIGN 0] indicating
that all events larger than THRESH (in the direction of SIGN,
which can be 1 or -1) will be considered. Each additional
row is [THRESH SIGN OFFSET], and only events that have a
signal of size THRESH (in the direction of SIGN) at the sample
location OFFSET relative to the highest/lowest point that
was determined in the first row will be selected.
EVENT_SAMPLES returns the sample numbers of events that
are described by the DOTS. If more than one adjacent sample
passes the dot tests, then the sample number corresponds to
the point in the middle of the points that pass.
This is implemented as a mex function.