GOF_ZOCCOLAN - Goodness of Fit from Zoccolan et al., 2005
Returns goodness of fit that describes how much of the explainable
variation (i.e., that not due to noise across trials) is explained
by a given fit.
TRIALDATA should have M columns and N rows. Each column should have
individual responses for one particular stimulus. If any values are
NAN then these trials are excluded.
FIT is a fit to the mean response to each stimulus and should be 1xN.
GF is the goodness of fit measure from 0 to 1
Vres is the residual variance left over from the fit
Vexpl is the explainable variance
Vnoise is the variance of the noise
Ref: Zoccolan DE, Cox DD, DiCarlo, JJ. J Neurosci 25:8150-8164 2005.