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NDR is installed as a part of the Neuroscience Data Interface (NDI). The easiest way is to install it with the NDI installer as described here.

  1. Make sure git is installed on your machine. If it is not, on Windows, go here. On Mac, open a terminal, and type xcode-select --install . Accept the license and wait for install. On Linux, consult your Linux distribution's package manager.

  2. Download the file ndi_install.m to your Desktop.

  3. Run the following in Matlab:

    cd ~/Desktop


Python code

NDR can now call Python code, including the neo Python package for reading neurophysiology files. See here for instructions to install the particular version of Python and the dependencies necessary to use neo.

Manual method:

  1. Run the following on your terminal command line: git clone

  2. You'll need a Matlab startup.m file. Add the command ndi_Init to that file, after ensuring that the directory for NDR-matlab is on your Matlab path. (All of these steps are taken care of via the automatic installation above.)