NDI (Neuroscience Data Interface) is a cross-platform interface standard for reading neuroscience data and storing the results of analyses. Who inspires NDI?
As an analyst, I want to quickly open my colleagues' data, regardless of its format and organization, so we can make discoveries.
As a researcher, I want my data records and analysis steps to be annotated and both human and machine readable, so I can review my teammates' work and share these annotated results with the world. I want these annotations to occur in situ, not as a separate step that I do later.
As a physiologist/imager, I want my analysis routines to have access to my data the instant it is recorded, so I can make choices about how to proceed during my experiment.
As an analyst, I want to write one set of analysis routines that do not need to be revised to work with new data formats or new data organizations.
As a scientist, I want to search for data or analyses from other researchers.
As an amateur, I want to be able to access scientists' raw data to perform my own analyses.
NDI is inspired by FAIR principles.
A version of NDI is available in Matlab and a version for Python is well under construction.
Check out the Installation Guide.
Check out the NDI publication.
Help and Support
Use the issue tracker to submit questions, bugs, and issues.
Financial Support
Supported by the NIH BRAIN Initiative informatics group, grant MH114678.