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CLASS ndi.daq.daqsystemstring

  NDI_DAQSYSTEMSTRING - a class for describing the device and channels that correspond to an NDI_EPOCHPROBEMAP_DAQSYSTEM


   A 'devicestring' is a part of an ndi.epoch.epochprobemap_daqsystem that indicates the channel types and
   channel numbers that correspond to a particular record.

   For example, one may specify that a 4-channel extracellular recording with name
   'ctx' and reference 1 was recorded on a device called 'mydevice' via analog input
   on channels 27-28 and 45 and 88 with the following ndi.epoch.epochprobemap_daqsystem entry:
            name: 'ctx'
       reference: 1
            type: 'extracellular_electrode-4'
    devicestring: 'mydevice:ai27-28,45,88

   The form of a device string is DEVICENAME:CT####, where DEVICENAME is the name of 
   ndi.daq.system object, CT is the channel type identifier, and #### is a list of channels.
   The #### list of channels should be numbered from 1, and can use the symbols '-' to
   indicate a sequential run of channels, and ',' to separate channels.
   Use a semicolon to separate channel types (e.g., 'ai27-28;di1')

   For example:
      '1-5,10,17'      corresponds to [1 2 3 4 5 10 17]
      '2,5,11-12,8     corresponds to [2 5 11 12 8]
      ''               corresponds to []  % if the device doesn't have channels





Property Description
devicename The name of the device
channeltype The type of channels that are used by the device
channellist An array of the channels that are referred to by the devicestring


Method Description
daqsystemstring Create an NDI_DEVICESTRING object from a string or from a device name, channel type, and channel list
devicestring Produce an ndi.daq.daqsystemstring character string
ndi_daqsystemstring2channel Convert an ndi.daq.daqsystemstring to device, channel type, channel list

Methods help

daqsystemstring - Create an NDI_DEVICESTRING object from a string or from a device name, channel type, and channel list

     or DEVSTR = ndi.daq.daqsystemstring(DEVSTRING)

  Creates a device string suitable for a ndi.epoch.epochprobemap_daqsystem from a DEVICENAME,
  a cell array of strings CHANNELTYPE (such as 'ai', 'di', 'ao'), and a CHANNELLIST.

     In the first form:
       DEVICENAME should be the name of an ndi.daq.system
       CHANNEL_PREFIX should be the prefix for a particular type of channel. These channel type will vary from
           device to device. For example, a NDI_DAQSYSTEM_MULTICHANNELDAQ might use:
             'ai' - analog input
             'ao' - analog output (it is an 'o' like 'oh', not 0)
             'di' - digital input
             'do' - digital output
       CHANNELLIST should be an array of channel numbers, which must start from 1 (that is,
             the first channel is 1).
     In the second form:
       DEVSTRING should be in the form: 'devicename:ct#,#-#,#,#'
         where devicename is the name of the device, ct is a string that corresponds to the channel type, and
         the numbers and separators specify the channel numbers to be accessed.


       myndi_daqsystemstring1 = ndi_devicestring('mydevice','ai',[1:5 7 23])
       myndi_daqsystemstring2 = ndi_devicestring('mydevice:ai1-5,7,23');

  See also: ndi.daq.daqsystemstring

    Documentation for ndi.daq.daqsystemstring/daqsystemstring
       doc ndi.daq.daqsystemstring

devicestring - Produce an ndi.daq.daqsystemstring character string


  Creates a device string suitable for a ndi.epoch.epochprobemap_daqsystem from an ndi.daq.daqsystemstring object.

     SELF - an ndi.daq.daqsystemstring object
     DEVSTR - the device string; e.g., 'mydevice:ai1-5,10,11-23'

  See also: ndi.daq.daqsystemstring

ndi_daqsystemstring2channel - Convert an ndi.daq.daqsystemstring to device, channel type, channel list


  Returns the device name (DEVICENAME), channel type (CHANNELTYPE), and channel list
  (CHANNEL) of a device string.

     DEVSTR should be an NDI devicestring in the form: devicename:ct#,#-#,#,#
     DEVICENAME is the string corresponding to the device name
     CHANNELTYPE is a cell array of strings with channel types
     CHANNELLIST is an array of the channel numbers

     devstr = ndi.daq.daqsystemstring('mydevice:ai1-5,13,18');
     [devicename, channeltype, channel] = ndi_daqsystemstring2channel(devstr);
     % devicename == 'mydevice', channelype = 'ai', channel == [1 2 3 4 5 13 18]

  See also: ndi.daq.daqsystemstring, NDI_DEVICESTRING/DEVICESTRING