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2 Analyzing your first electrophysiology experiment with NDI

2.5 Understanding and searching the NDI database

2.5.1 The ndi.database and ndi.document objects

Each ndi.session object has an ndi.database object as one of its properties. This database holds the ndi.document objects that contain the metadata and data results of calculations that apps and programs have performed on the original data.

First, let's open the ndi.session that we've been working with.

Code block Type this into Matlab.

dirname = [userpath filesep 'Documents' filesep 'NDI' filesep 'ts_exper2']; % change this if you put the example somewhere else
ref = 'ts_exper2';
S = ndi.session.dir(ref,dirname);

We find documents by searching for them with the ndi.session method database_search(). For example, we can examine all documents that contain stimulus presentation data:

Code block Type this into Matlab.

stim_pres_doc = S.database_search(ndi.query('','isa','stimulus_presentation',''))
  % should see:
  %   stim_pres_doc =
  %   1x4 cell array
  %    {1x1 ndi.document}    {1x1 ndi.document}    {1x1 ndi.document}    {1x1 ndi.document}

  % should see:
  %   ans = 
  %     document with properties:
  %       document_properties: [1x1 struct]

  % should see:
  %   ans = 
  %   struct with fields:
  %                        app: [1x1 struct]
  %                 depends_on: [1x1 struct]
  %             document_class: [1x1 struct]
  %                    epochid: 't00001'
  %                epochid_fix: [1x1 struct]
  %               ndi_document: [1x1 struct]
  %      stimulus_presentation: [1x1 struct]

We have used an ndi.query object to conduct our search, and we will describe those objects a little later.

Here we see that ndi.document objects have a property called document_properties that contains all of the text information that is stored in the document. We will look through all of these properties here, and we also direct you to the documentation page for the ndi.document class stimulus_presentation.

2.5.2 All ndi.document objects have the fields document_class and ndi_document.

The document_class fields contain critical information about the class, such as the file that contains its definition, its full class name and its short class name. In addition, document types can be composed of multiple document types. The stimulus presentation class has two superclasses: ndi.document and ndi.document_epochid. This means that a stimulus_presentation document has its own fields, plus all of the fields from ndi.document documents and and ndi.document_epochid documents.

Let's look at the data that specifies the superclasses:

Code block Type this into Matlab.

% ans = 
%  struct with fields:
%            definition: '$NDIDOCUMENTPATH/stimulus/stimulus_presentation.json'
%            validation: '$NDISCHEMAPATH/stimulus/stimulus_presentation_schema.json'
%            class_name: 'ndi_document_stimulus_stimulus_presentation'
%    property_list_name: 'stimulus_presentation'
%         class_version: 1
%          superclasses: [3x1 struct]

% ans = 
%   struct with fields:
%    definition: '$NDIDOCUMENTPATH/ndi_document.json'

% ans = 
%  struct with fields:
%    definition: '$NDIDOCUMENTPATH/ndi_document_epochid.json'

%ans = 
%  struct with fields:
%    definition: '$NDIDOCUMENTPATH/ndi_document.json'

All documents have ndi_document as a superclass. Note that ndi.document is the name of the software object in Matlab (and Python), whereas ndi_document is the name of the database object type that has the following fields:

field default_value data type description
session_id - NDI ID string The globally unique identifier of any data session that produced this document
id - NDI ID string The globally unique identifier of this document
name character array (ASCII) A user-specified name, free for users/developers to use as they like
type character array (ASCII) A user-specified type, free for users/developers to use as they like (deprecated, will be removed)
datestamp (current time) ISO-8601 date string, time zone must be UTC leap seconds Time of document creation
database_version - character array (ASCII) Version of this document in the database

The most useful item in each ndi.document is its unique identifier id. This is a globally unique identifier, which means that no other ndi.document or corresponding ndi_document anywhere in the universe has the same identifier. It is constructed of two hexidecimal strings: the first is based on the time of creation in Universal Controlled Time (UTC), and the second is created by a random number generator. This constructions means that ndi.document ids are not only unique, but also that sorting them alphabetically will give you the creation order of the documents. This can come in handy from time to time.

2.5.3 Searching for ndi_documents with ndi.query

Performing analyses or analyses of analyses in NDI involves searching for previous entries in the database, building upon them, and writing the results back to the database. The object ndi.query allows one to express database searches. Let's learn about ndi.query with a few examples.

Code block Type this into Matlab.

% search for document classes that contain the string 'stim'
q_stim = ndi.query('document_class.class_name','contains_string','stim',''); 
stim_docs = S.database_search(q_stim)
  % returns 35 matches for me

% now suppose we also want to search for documents that were made by 
% our app ndi_app_stimulus_decoder:

q_stim_decoder = ndi.query('','exact_string','ndi_app_stimulus_decoder','');

% we can find based on this criteria alone...
stim_decoder_docs = S.database_search(q_stim_decoder)
  % returns 4 matches for me

% ...or we can put the search terms together in an AND to demand both queries are satisfied
q_stim_and_stim_decoder_docs = S.database_search(q_stim_decoder & q_stim);
  % returns 4 matches for me, because all q_stim_decoder docs have 'stimulus' in the class_name

% we can also put queries together into a single variable:

q_or = q_stim_decoder | q_stim;
q_and = q_stim_decoder & q_stim;
q_stim_and_stim_decoder_docs = S.database_search(q_and)  % produces the same as above

% now we can inspect these documents:

 % ans = 
 %   struct with fields:
 %                       app: [1x1 struct]
 %                depends_on: [1x1 struct]
 %            document_class: [1x1 struct]
 %                   epochid: 't00001'
 %               epochid_fix: [1x1 struct]
 %              ndi_document: [1x1 struct]
 %     stimulus_presentation: [1x1 struct]

 % for me:
 % ans = 
 %   struct with fields:
 %                     name: 'ndi_app_stimulus_decoder'
 %                  version: 'fa1fa7818b215975c43f68ece523b065852ef891'
 %                      url: ''
 %                       os: 'MACI64'
 %               os_version: '10.14.6'
 %              interpreter: 'MATLAB'
 %      interpreter_version: '9.8'

 % ans = 
 %   struct with fields:
 %     presentation_order: [85x1 double]
 %      presentation_time: [85x1 struct]
 %                stimuli: [17x1 struct]

The different possible search terms for ndi.query objects is shown below:

Operation Description
'regexp' are there any regular expression matches between the field value and 'param1'?
'exact_string' is the field value an exact string match for 'param1'?
'contains_string' is the field value a char array that contains 'param1'?
'exact_number' is the field value exactly 'param1' (same size and values)?
'lessthan' is the field value less than 'param1' (and comparable size)
'lessthaneq' is the field value less than or equal to 'param1' (and comparable size)
'greaterthan' is the field value greater than 'param1' (and comparable size)
'greaterthaneq' is the field value greater than or equal to 'param1' (and comparable size)
'hasfield' is the field present? (no role for 'param1' or 'param2')
'hasanysubfield_contains_string' Is the field value an array of structs or cell array of structs such that any has a field named 'param1' with a string that contains the string in 'param2'?
'or' are any of the searchstruct elements specified in 'param1' true?
'isa' is 'param1' either a superclass or the document class itself of the ndi_document?
'depends_on' does the document depend on an item with name 'param1' and value 'param2'?

2.5.4 The depends_on field and database structure

Many analysis procedures or creation procedures are dependent on the results from previous calculations. These dependencies are denoted in a field called depends_on. Let's look at the dependencies for our example stimulus presentation:

Code block Type this into Matlab.

% should see:
%   ans = 
%     struct with fields:
%        name: 'stimulus_element_id'
%       value: '412687d3ae63489a_40d1d65fa08bb81a'

 % what is this node at 412687d3ae63489a_40d1d65fa08bb81a ?

mydoc = S.database_search(ndi.query('','exact_string', ...

% ans = 
%    struct with fields:
%           depends_on: [2x1 struct]
%       document_class: [1x1 struct]
%              element: [1x1 struct]
%         ndi_document: [1x1 struct]

% ans = 
%   struct with fields:
%      ndi_element_class: 'ndi.probe.timeseries.stimulator'
%                   name: 'vhvis_spike2'
%              reference: 1
%                   type: 'stimulator'
%                 direct: 1

% We see it is our visual stimulation system

Some documents have a lot of depends_on items. Let's examine our ctx_1 neuron that we created in Tutorial 2.3.

Code block Type this into Matlab.

e = S.getelements('element.type','spikes');

spikes_doc = S.database_search(ndi.query('','exact_string',e{1}.id(),''))
spikes_doc = spikes_doc{1}

for i=1:numel(spikes_doc.document_properties.depends_on),
    disp(['Depends on ' spikes_doc.document_properties.depends_on(i).name ': ' spikes_doc.document_properties.depends_on(i).value]);

% Should see 3 entries, with your own unique IDs:
%   Depends on underlying_element_id: 412687d3ad57c851_40860c116cfc64c2
%   Depends on subject_id: 412687d3ad571d87_c0dac60e10c0f2a5
%   Depends on spike_clusters_id: 412687f62d1057b8_40c28348e09e5e9b

2.5.5 Structure of an ndi.database

NDI databases (and any analysis project) has a beautiful underlying structure that one can visualize, to get a sense of how the calculations and inferred objects (like neurons that spike) are derived from one another.

Code block Type this into Matlab.

interactive = 1; % set it to zero if you have Matlab 2020a or later for DataTip navigation! Try it!
docs=S.database_search(ndi.query('','regexp','(.*)','')); % this finds ALL documents
[g,nodes,mdigraph] =;,g,mdigraph,nodes,'layered',interactive);

For this session, the graph should look something like this:

Image of a graph of NDI documents in an NDI database

You can explore the nodes by clicking next to them. On the command line, a summary of the document will appear. Here is a short video demonstration. If you turn on zooming (either by selecting it from the Tools menu in the figure, typing zoom on on the command line, or by hovering over the figure and then clicking on the magnifying glass that appears in the upper right), you can zoom around the graph. You'll need to turn zoom off to be able to get a summary by clicking near the nodes. You can turn zoom off either by selecting Zoom In again from the Tools menu in the figure to de-select the tool, or by typing zoom off on the command line, or by hovering over the figure and clicking the magnifying glass again.

2.5.6 Discussion/Feedback

Post comments, bugs, questions, or discuss.

You may find it odd that we haven't told you how to add items to the database here in this tutorial. Instead, we've only told you how to inspect the database. The process of creating and testing a document schema and adding and removing documents are described in a Planned Tutorial. The link will be here when it is created.